. Keto Grilled Chicken Thighs With Maple Dijon Marinade | Keto

Keto Grilled Chicken Thighs With Maple Dijon Marinade

My original plan of attack with this recipe was to make an easy baked chicken recipe, but as soon as I got the marinade mixed up I instantly thought “this would be so good on the grill” so it turned into an easy grilled chicken recipe instead and boy am I happy with that decision.

But I’ll have you know we were out of propane and I made the hubby drop what he was doing so we could run out and get a full propane tank. The maple dijon marinade is a little sweet, the perfect amount of salty and almost has an Asian flavor to it.

Keto Grilled Chicken Thighs With Maple Dijon Marinade
 Makes 6 Servings

Prep time: 5 Minutes

Cook time: 14 Minutes


6 Skinless, boneless chicken thighs
1/4 cup Lakanto Maple Flavored Sugar-Free Syrup (use code "Mermaid" for a discount on all Lakanto Products)
1/4 cup dijon mustard
2 tablespoons Bragg's Liquid Aminos or Soy Sauce (I explained the difference above)
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tablespoon of fresh Thyme


Fire up the grill and preheat to medium heat

Use a fork to poke little holes all over each chicken thigh to tenderize and it helps the chicken soak up the marinade. Place the chicken in a gallon ziplock bag

In a small bowl, stir together maple flavored sugar-free syrup, dijon mustard, liquid Aminos or soy sauce, thyme, and garlic.

pour marinade into gallon baggie with chicken, seal the baggie, shake and mix it all around until chicken is evenly coated. You can either grill right away or set the bag of chicken aside in the fridge to marinate longer.

Place chicken on the grill and grill on each side for about 7 mins or until a meat thermometer reads 165F